We had glorious rain and cool weather all weekend in San Angelo. We decided to make the most of it and get some projects done that we had been wanting to do all summer. We spent much of the weekend in the garage with the door open watching the rain (and occasionally playing in it) while painting various things. Here are the fruits of our labor:
Project 1: Pegs for Sophie's purses
Sophie already has a purse problem. For months I have been wanting to get some pegs to hang all of her purses on, but there just wasn't any room. Finally she told me she was ready to get rid of her big baby doll table. We happily passed it on to a friend whose little girl has loved it and suddenly we had more room. We went to Lowes and bought a wooden rack and painted it with some of the leftover paint from her room.

Project 2: Restoring treasures from Granna's house
This project began back in May when we were in Texarkana visiting Taylor's parents. They were cleaning out his grandmother's house after moving her to the nursing home and we were supposed to go get anything we wanted from her house. To be perfectly honest, I wanted absolutely nothing. Thankfully, Taylor's mom can see the potential in things better than I can. While we were there we ended up taking a gold velvet headboard which his mom recovered to match Sophie's bedding she had made (please ignore the tacky pictures taped to the wall as Sophie likes to decorate her own room),

the flower lamp I always made fun of for Sophie's room (along with several butterflies like the one above it that we spray painted),

and the green table that sat in Granna's entry hall. Since May the table has remained green (even though our walls are green) and sat in our living room. We knew we wanted to paint it, but it was just too hot. So this weekend we finally put black paint on it and sanded it to let a little green show through. I thought it turned out pretty good.

Project 3: Pictures for the wall
We moved the silver mirror pictured above from another wall which left a blank wall in our living room. Since we had Sophie I have had the kids' pictures made each year for the wall. It was getting a little out of hand so we decided to redo our display of the kids' pictures.

Project 4: Kids' painting
To keep the kids busy while we did all these projects, we took them to Hobby Lobby and let them pick out their own projects to paint. While this didn't last as long as I hoped it would, they enjoyed it.

Project 5: Halloween costumes started
We have a long way to go so we'll save those for another post :)