We were so thankful to have a weekend without much to do but just rest and spend time together. On Friday night I made Mummy Meatloaf...or I tried to anyway. At least it tasted good.

Then we made caramel apples.

After bath the kids settled down with their apples for movie night.

Saturday morning was Pumpkin Day!

We must always start Pumpkin Day with pumpkin shaped pancakes.

We spent the morning at a birthday party and then came home to make Jack-o-lantern pizzas.

After rest it was time to carve pumpkins.

The kids helped a lot more this year.

John Curtis loved the mess!

Then we decorated cupcakes with all the goodies Grammy had sent in a care package to take to our friends' house for dinner.

I got out of trying to be creative for dinner when the Barkers invited us over for chili and S'mores on the back porch. A perfect ending to a wonderful fall Saturday.