
Sunday, December 7, 2008

A Perfect December Saturday (Almost)

We have had a great weekend. We had a fun time at our Sunday school Christmas party Friday night. Yesterday morning we began the day relaxing in our new chairs (see previous post) with the fire on watching the Christmas cartoons on Playhouse Disney. A great way to drift back to sleep. We spent the day finishing up our decorating and doing a little cleaning. It feels great to have the house decorated inside and out. I listened to Christmas music all day and somehow it just made me feel more peaceful. In the evening we went downtown to watch the lighting of the city Christmas tree and then the Christmas parade. The kids were enthralled with all the lights and sounds. Afterward we drove around for a while and looked at Christmas lights. This is something Sophie has been begging to do all week. San Angelo is a very decorated town at Christmas so there are lots of lights. As we were driving we were listening to the Jars of Clay Christmas C.D. It isn't my favorite, but there is one song called Wonderful Christmastime, which is actually a Paul McCartney song and there is a line that says, We're here tonight, and that's enough. Simply having a wonderful Christmastime. Listening to that song as we drove around looking at lights fit my mood and feelings perfectly. Then we got home. Since we got back from Thanksgiving John Curtis has been fighting sleep. He's always been so easy to get down, rarely even needing to be rocked. Not anymore. Could it be he's almost 2??? So Taylor and I had a great idea to get him bathed and in clothes he could sleep in before we left in case he fell asleep while we were looking at lights. The plan worked great. He fell asleep and we were having a wonderful Christmastime driving around. He usually stays asleep. Not this time. He woke up when we got home and fought going to sleep for about the next hour. Oh well, it was still a good day. Taylor and I spent most of the afternoon today in our chairs watching the Cowboys. Why did we wait so long to get recliners?


Carey said...

Ahhhh... recliners...
Bill and I have been watching the Cowboys from the comfort of ours this afternoon, as well! *thumbs up!*

Debbie Mendrop said...

It does sound like a perfect day. Just what you need in the midst of a hectic season. Who doesn't love a parade?