Have a Blessed Palm Sunday!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
A Weekend Project????
Does anyone else out there have a problem doing just one household project and being done with it? Ours tend to come upon us when we least expect it and then we suddenly find ourselves in a really big project - like the time we started ripping up the linoleum on our kitchen floor just because we were tired of it, or last Spring Break when the kids were gone and we decided to start "pricing" playscapes for the back yard. We have a long list of improvements we want to make to our home, but the order and timeline in which those will get accomplished is anyone's guess. We just wait for the mood to come upon us. I'll admit this one has been building for a while. To be exact, ever since a precious little fur ball joined our family.
She looks innocent, but she can really tear up a door - or 2. Gracie doesn't like being left alone in the backyard, so when we were gone she tried to get in by first shredding my screen door and then severely scratching up the actual door. The screen door wasn't great to begin with, but I love having the door open when the kids are outside and I'm inside or vice versa. It was something I really didn't want to do without now that it is getting warmer. So that was Taylor's weekend project. He bought and installed our new screen door (with a retractable screen on top that Gracie cannot get to). So since the door would be protected I wanted to get it sanded and cleaned up.

You will agree with me that it REALLY needed it I'm sure. You can see where we tried some different colors out. We went with the charcoal color.

This is the finished product

Of course you can't really see it with our beautiful new screen door closed. But I really liked the black look on the door and since I had barely used any of the gallon of paint we bought...

I did this...

and part of this post...

and I had to do some next to the brick to see how it would look.
So I've now committed myself to painting all of the trim, the front door, and the shutters black. Oh, and as soon as we get the sprayer from my dad we will paint the rest of the wood, too. Please do not judge me if you drive by my house and it is several different colors. I'm not sure how long this will take me.

And because some people get bent out of shape when I don't post pics of the kiddos, here they are. They loved being outside all day and I have a dirt ring around the bathtub to prove it.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
You Knew I Had to Post a Dancing Video
Yes, it is that time again. Dancing with the Stars began last night and so I don't break with tradition, here is yet another dancing video.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Spring Break Road Trip 2010
This year for Spring Break we decided to take a road trip. We drove over 1400 miles through 4 states, visiting family and friends along the way. We had a really good time and the kids did great.
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Sunday, March 7, 2010
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Photo Shoot
My very talented friend, Janet has her own business, Dimples and Dots. Sophie has been a model for her products several times over the last few years and we were happy to do it again today. John Curtis got to join in the fun with his very own super hero cape. I took these pictures in between the professional taking hers. 

Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Good Try, Bumpaw!
My parents came for a visit this weekend. Sophie wanted to make them breakfast all by herself on Saturday. In her Sunday School class they had made breakfast for the parents last Sunday and Sophie was excited to try out "her" recipe.
Dad loves to ride his bike. He bought Sophie a really nice bike hoping that she would share his love. She has enjoyed her bike with training wheels, but has had no desire to take them off. Dad came this weekend with a plan. He had researched some ways to teach kids to ride a bike. He wanted to leave Saturday night having successfully taught Sophie to ride. He gave it a good shot.

Showing her what to do

She would coast down the hill with her pedals off and her feet dragging the ground.

This was supposed to teach her balance.

They stuck with it longer than I thought they would.

She was proud of small progress she made.

Meanwhile, this is what John Curtis was doing. We thought he was so smart when he got the first rock and put it behind his scooter to keep it from rolling away. Then he just got carried away.

He even gave bike riding a try.

Good effort, Bumpaw. She'll get it soon and she'll always remember that Bumpaw was the one who taught her to ride a bike.
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